Knoxville Old Time

Bending forms at Jean Horner's shop.
If you love Old Time music - welcome to our family!
Knoxville Old Time is a gathering place for everyone who shares a love of
Old Time music
We are proud of Knoxville and East Tennessee's musical history, which is very much a part of the fabric of Old Time music. But no matter where you are, that musical tradition is being honored and kept alive by passionate people
just like you.
We are saddened to learn of the passing of noted local instrument maker
A website dedicated to him has been created, with more information coming soon.
Read more from Bluegrass Today.

Fiddle back being carved at Jean Horner's shop. (2019)
March From The Editor
March has arrived - Did it come in like a lion?
This month's addition to the Tune History page comes from a discussion at a Laurel Theater jam regarding the Westphalia Waltz, and is dedicated to the memory of our friend and fellow musician Ron Stoner, as this was his favorite waltz.
After we played this beautiful waltz, banjo Nick asked if anyone knew where the tune came from. Well, the short version is that no one knew for sure. I knew that Westphalia was in Germany, and guessed that’s maybe where it came from. Close - but no cigar. Westphalia is indeed a region within Germany, but we will learn this month that Texas fiddler Cotton Collins (Lone Star Playboys) heard the melody while stationed in Germany during WWII, but never knew the name. We will also discover that the Westphalia that ultimately gave this waltz its name is located not in Germany, but in Texas, near Waco. It was, however, settled by German immigrants, so now we have come almost full circle. I say almost, because the melody of this waltz has been linked by many researchers to an old and humorously risqué Polish drinking song. How can you not love Old Time tune history?
Festival season gears up in March with The Tommy Jarrell Celebration in Mount Airy, NC on March 1-2, and Breakin' Up Winter in Lebanon, TN on March 7-9. Next up - the 7th annual Upper East Tennessee Fiddlers Convention in Flag Pond, TN on April 25-26. More details on Festivals are on the Calendar Page.
The Laurel Theater’s 56th Jubilee Festival is happening March 7,8, and 9 with a deep lineup of Old Time music. And just a heads up, local fiddle legend Mike Bryant will make a rare appearance at the Laurel with Marcia Bryant, Joseph Decosimo and Reed Stutz on April 5th. This is a must - see event for any serious fan of Old Time music! There’s lots more info on other shows on the Calendar Page.
I added a list of 2024 Old Time album releases, with the help of The Old Time Zone Radio Show with Dale Brubaker. If you have not already done so, you should make his show part of your weekly listening!
The music community was saddened to learn of the passing of Charles Jean Horner, who had been making fiddles and mandolins in the shop next to his home in the Westel community of Rockwood, TN for more than 75 years. I had the privilege of meeting him and visiting his shop on a few occasions, and am the proud owner of two of his fiddles. Learn lots more about this Tennessee legend, who made more than 500 fiddles in his lifetime. A website dedicated to him has been created, with more information coming soon.

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